CBD oil for kids
- Epilepsy
- Autism
- Sleep disorders
- Which CBD products for children?
- Dosage and taking
- Side effects
- FAQ about CBD
CBD oil for children is not psychoactive. This is the main reason why their use is also suitable for children. The THC content is less than 0.3%. Unlike THC, cannabidiol does not activate CB1 receptors in the brain, so it will not cause these effects. Thus, it can be described as a dietary supplement without intoxicating effects. Without unnecessary side effects, CBD oil for children can also help younger children with inflammation, anxiety, excessive stress, pain or insomnia, for example. Particularly popular is CBD oil for children with ADHD.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a medical condition characterized by a persistent inability to concentrate or hyperactivity-impulsivity and affects millions of children in addition to adults. Symptoms of ADHD are most often difficulty staying calm, controlling your moods or staying focused.
CBD and ADHD symptoms
Childhood ADHD or CBD was studied by researchers in 2013. They collected the results of 2811 users of this substance. They did indeed report reduced symptoms of hyperactivity after time. In 2017, a study focused on adult ADHD, and researchers again noted significant improvements in brain function and symptom reduction. CBD for ADHD also addresses specific symptoms such as anxiety. The Permanente Journal published a 2018 study by Scott Shannon, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Fort Collins, and Janet Opila-Lehman of the Wholeness Center in Fort Collins, which confirmed this, along with researchers have subsequently shown CBD to help with sleep disorders in children, according to the results.
CBD and adults
The authors of the 2017 review noted that adults can take up to 1,500 mg of the substance per day for these disorders, but for children this dose is lower and depends on their body weight, disease state, or previous experience with cannabis oil for ADHD. Children have significantly less body fat. Dosage and administration is easiest in particular with oils. Compared to other forms, the specific dose is easily measured by the number of drops. If the child does not like its taste, just mix it with another drink.
CBD and epilepsy
Hemp oils with higher CBD content are also extremely effective for this disorder. CBD in childhood epilepsy works almost immediately after taking it. This is also one of the reasons why it is one of the most recommended preparations in the treatment of this unpleasant disease. However, all of this is borne out by studies of CBD and epilepsy. These have been carried out since the 1970s and generally confirm a huge advantage over conventional drugs in the absence of side effects.
CBD and Epilepsy study
Scientists at Stanford University enrolled 19 children aged between 2 and 16 years who had previously been treated with more than a dozen other drugs in the research group. The results of the study confirmed a significant reduction in the frequency of epileptic seizures in up to 84% of cases. Among the positive effects, they identified increased ability to concentrate, improved sleep and mood. Israeli experts recruited 74 children aged 1 to 18 with epilepsy into their study group. They were given CBD for 3 to 6 months along with olive oil in a 20:1 ratio. 89 percent of the children experienced a significant improvement in their mental state, 18 percent even reported a 75% to 100% reduction in epileptic seizures.
But why does cannabidiol improve the condition of these patients? The endocannabinoid system, which takes care of the balance of the whole organism, is the basis. This is aided by cannabinoids, which are very similar in composition to those from the cannabis plant. If the cannabinoid system goes awry, the body cannot produce them in sufficient quantities. And it is with these natural preparations that we can supplement them.
Most frequent questions about CBD
CBD also helps with two specific types of infant epilepsy that are among the most severe – Dravert syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. These cause seizures on a daily basis, exposing children to injury, mental disability or even death.
CBD and autism
Autism is a developmental disorder that manifests itself in repetitive patterns of behavior, abnormal social interaction and impaired communication skills. It is also extremely widespread among children, as it begins to manifest itself as early as the third year of life. The causes of this disease have not yet been scientifically proven, but often a combination of genetic predispositions is behind it. Around the world, approximately one in 50 babies is born with autism.
Cannabis oil for autism can reduce epileptic seizures, relieve aggression, help increase the ability to listen and perceive or calm children. Among the greatest experts in research on the effects of CBD oil or for children or other similar preparations with this substance is Dr. Adi Aran. His preclinical tests in the study have taken epilepsy treatment several steps forward. The Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel, treated 60 children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with cannabidiol at a ratio of 20:1. 61% of them showed a significant decrease in explosive behavior, and 47% of the cases showed an improved ability to communicate. The positive effects of CBD in autism were subsequently confirmed by a clinical study.
CBD oil and Asperger’s syndrome
CBD oil is also effective for Asperger’s. This syndrome is a milder form of autism and occurs at school age. Medications for autism, or specifically this type of autism, often results in side effects that negatively affect the body, mind, and behavior, and often cause patients to become violently explosive. A 2018 study by researchers at Stanford University in California, published in the journal Molecular Autism, documented that children with Asperger syndrome have lower levels of anandamide. It is a brain endocannabinoid that balances the transmission of neurotransmitter messages between cells. Without this compound, cells send inappropriate messages to the body.
CBD oil for children sleep disorders
Up to one third of the population suffers from insomnia. Children are no exception. For them, the problem is the fact that drugs designed for this have many side effects. Sleep is also dependent on a well-functioning endocannabinoid system. CBD for sleep disorders will achieve its balance and will also help you get a good night’s rest by suppressing pain.
Keeping the stress hormone cortisol at a certain level is also an important factor. It is most often released in the morning, but children with insomnia may also have high levels at night. This increases their number of times they wake up. In one scientific study, researchers found that cortisol levels were significantly reduced with as little as 300 to 600 mg of CBD oil, which acts as a natural sedative in such cases.
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This was specifically addressed in an analysis of 103 participants suffering from anxiety or poor sleep. Scientists have studied the effects of CBD in combination with other drugs. The dose of cannabidiol ranged from 25 to 175 mg. Importantly for children, the most effective dose was the lowest (25 mg).
CBD taking and dosage
The use of CBD oil is oral. The effects take 10 to 30 minutes and last up to 8 hours. The dosage is influenced by the age, current state of health or the child’s experience with the substance. The dose of CBD in mg for children also depends on their body weight. You can also read how to take CBD oil correctly on the package leaflet of the product.
Side effects
Cannabidiol is not an addictive substance, it is not mentally or physically dependent and it is not a toxic substance. Side effects are extremely rare. However, any dietary supplement that changes the physiological state of the body can cause them. According to a 2018 WHO report, “CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile.” The main side effects of cannabidiol include dry mouth, diarrhea, fatigue, loss of appetite, and decreased blood pressure. But these are short-term effects, lasting only for the time that CBD is in the body. In the case of CBD oils, it is the safest form of the substance in this respect.
Which CBD products are suitable for children?
Not all CBD products are suitable for children. CBD oil is the safest and most effective form. CBD cannabidiol drops have no intoxicating effects, demonstrating the best results in terms of side effects as well. Cannabidiol drops are easy to take and their dosage is accurate thanks to a measuring cup or counting drops. Their advantage is the possibility of mixing with other liquids. Syrups with lower sugar content are also suitable for their sweet taste. For skin problems, creams and ointments are recommended, where the exact dosage may not be followed. A suppository is also used in case of inflammation of the digestive tract..
For children under the age of 8, CBD capsules should be avoided due to their smaller airways. Vaporization is absolutely forbidden, which is also prohibited by law for children. Tinctures are not suitable due to the reason that most of them are produced with an alcohol base.