CBD for sleep disorders
- What are sleep disorders?
- Causes
- Types
- Lack of sleep
- Sleep apnoea
- Enuresis
- Insomnia
- Sleep paralysis
- Nightmares
- Sleepwalking
- Narcolepsy
- What helps against sleep disorders?
- Dosage
- FAQ about CBD
- Side effects
For many years, sleep disorders were treated almost exclusively with sleeping pills, but these led to unhealthy habits and patients had to reckon with unwanted side effects. However, many countries are switching to more natural products. These include products whose effects are based on the active ingredient of CBD
What are sleep disorders?
Sleep is a periodically recurring state of rest with minimal motor activity in a typical position, with limited reactivity to external stimuli, and with mental brain activity distinct from the waking state. We consider sleep to be one of the three most important conditions for good health, along with stress management and a healthy diet. As many as 20-30% of children and adolescents experience sleep disturbances. For adults, the percentage is even higher. Sleep duration has been gradually decreasing over the years among the population. While in 1960 it was 8-9 hours, today we are talking about under 7 hours.
What is a sleep disorder and what is insomnia?
What is a sleep disorder and what is insomnia? You should know that these are two different issues. There are even more than thirty sleep disorders. They can be described as diseases that affect the normal course of the sleeping or waking cycle. Some of them can also negatively affect a person’s emotional, physical and psychological functioning. A great way to improve your night’s sleep is with CBD for sleep disorders. CBD oil for sleeping is now considered the most suitable natural preparation without fear of side effects.
What causes sleep disturbances?
Insomnia leads to many negative things that can make your everyday life perfectly unpleasant.
It leads to:
- lethargy
- daytime drowsiness
- feeling of malaise (both physically and mentally)
Symptoms include:
- anxiety
- mood swings
- irritability
Over time, chronic diseases can also develop.
The reasons for insomnia also vary according to how long it lasts. Transient insomnia lasts up to three nights, and stress is the most common element that results in these sleeping problems. Short-term insomnia (persisting for a few weeks) can also be caused by stress but as well by nausea, depression, changes in sleeping patterns or a traumatic event. Persistent sleep disturbances result in other secondary problems. These include psychological problems (anxiety, depression), substance abuse or health problems that negatively affect sleep (back pain, arthritis). This chronic insomnia lasts for months to years.
Type of Insomnia | Duration | Causes |
Temporary insomnia | Up to 3 nights | Stress |
Short term insomnia | For a few weeks | Stress Nausea Depressions Changes in sleep behavior Traumatic event |
Persistent sleep disorders | Months to years | Anxiety Depressions Back pain Arthrosis |
In women, for example, menstruation causes sleep disturbances. Insomnia more often affects the fairer sex and its incidence increases with age. The causes of sleep disturbances in men tend to be physical in nature; psychological causes of sleep apnoea are also common.
Types of sleep disorders
Experts distinguish between different types of sleep disorders. Some are caused by other health problems. Insomnia, lack of sleep or its progression can affect you directly or indirectly. The following are the most well-known ones:
- Insomnia – restless, inadequate, poor-quality sleep, which will not provide sufficient rest. This is the most common sleep disorder
- Sleep apnoea – shallow breathing occurs, often halted breathing for a short time during sleep apnoea
- Enuresis – children especially suffer from this. A person wets the bed while sleeping. This is often a hereditary problem
- Sleep paralysis – the person wakes up during the REM phase. The brain is extremely active, but the body is not. A person is unable to move their body except for their eyes. Frightening hallucinations occur
- Restless legs syndrome – because of the discomfort, the person needs to move their legs
- Sleepwalking – walking or performing other activities while asleep
- Narcolepsy – a person falls asleep involuntarily at any time of the day. Feeling tired throughout the day despite getting enough sleep the night before
- Nightmares – the person suddenly wakes up frightened
Lack of sleep
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) has conducted research demonstrating that up to one-third of the U.S. population gets less than the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep. People now sleep even an hour and a half less than our ancestors did 100 years ago. Sleep deprivation can also have an extremely negative impact on our health, according to Yelena Pvatkecich, an expert at the Sleep Disorders Center at Boston Medical Center. “Sleep deprivation does irreparable damage to our bodies. Slowed brain, ageing skin, bad mood, low metabolism, cardiovascular problems and lowered immunity are manifested,” she warns of the dangers of not getting enough sleep.
Most frequent questions about CBD
Let’s break it down. The symptoms of sleep deprivation are now familiar to people, but we still underestimate them. As Dianne Augelli of Weill Cornell University Medical School noted, “The immune system is compromised after just one sleepless night.” We are at increased risk of developing pneumonia as well as other viral infections. Tel Aviv University professor Talma Hendler and her colleagues produced research published in the journal Neuroscience in 2016, demonstrating a significant reduction in the ability to distinguish what is and is not important in sleep deprivation. “This ability of the brain is compromised in such cases. It’s as if everything is important to it,” she said, adding that this is one of the reasons why we are so irritable and can get upset by every little thing. The negative effects on our skin are also unpleasant, which ages when we sleep poorly.
According to Estée Lauder, founder of the well-known cosmetic brand and her studies at Cleveland Clinic University Hospital (2013), lack of sleep may contribute to the spread of skin disorders in the long term. Patients who are being treated for psoriasis or atopic eczema are most at risk.
Sleep apnoea
This serious sleep disorder leads the patient to repeated cessation of breathing. Sleep apnoea is accompanied by uncomfortable breathing pauses and the body tends to be inadequately oxygenated, leading to various health problems. A breathless night is characteristic especially for men between the ages of 40 and 60. Sleep apnoea syndrome prevents a person from moving into the deep stage of sleep. When a person stops breathing, the brain sends a signal that the body must wake up immediately. This even happens up to a hundred times in one hour.
Types of sleep apnoea
We distinguish two types of this disease. Central sleep apnoea is rarer. The brain sends sufficient signals to the respiratory muscles, which results in a momentary loss of breathing effort. More common are obstructive sleep apnoeas, which arise when the muscles in the back of the throat relax. These serve to support the soft tissues. When the muscles relax, the tissues constrict or close completely, creating an obstruction to breathing. The body does not have enough oxygen and the patient feels uncomfortable pressure in the lungs. The brain becomes alert and reacts to the danger by briefly waking up, thus restoring airway patency. It is a micro-awakening that the person does not even remember. This all repeats many times during the night.
Causes of sleep apnoea
Sleep apnoea is caused, for example, by obesity. These patients have fatty deposits in the upper airways. Smoking is also a trigger, which leads to water retention or inflammatory processes in the throat. Relaxed throat muscles are also caused by sedatives, alcohol or drugs. Other risks include heredity, stuffy nose, narrowed airways, a larger neck circumference or older age.
Treatment of sleep apnoea
The treatment of sleep apnoea in recent years has focused more on conservative methods. CBD is very successful for sleep apnoea, as confirmed by many studies. According to their results, synthetic cannabinoids (such as also dronabinol or nabilone) have both short- and long-term benefits due to their modulatory effects. Moreover, emphasis is placed on maintaining a good lifestyle or proper sleep hygiene. Nasal positive pressure ventilation (CPAP) is very effective.
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Urination (enuresis) is the nocturnal involuntary leakage of urine in children older than 5 years. However, bed-wetting does not only happen to those with a malfunctioning bladder. The latter can function perfectly normally, however, the child does not wake up. With primary enuresis, the child always wets the bed at night. Secondary enuresis occurs in patients who develop bedwetting after a prolonged period of dry nights (at least 6 months). The cause may be psychological (death in the family, divorce, etc.). Bed-wetting occurs in 1 percent of adults.
Causes of enuresis
Causes of the disease include reduced bladder capacity, increased nocturnal urine production during sleep, genetic predisposition or problems with the transition between wakefulness and sleep. This is an extremely stressful factor that can lead to feelings of inferiority, psychological problems or social handicap.
Treatment of enuresis
Treatment is usually very time-consuming. It is based on a regimen during which care is taken to distribute fluid intake appropriately during the day and, if possible, to restrict it during the night. It also helps a lot to urinate before going to bed. CBD for quality sleep appears to be an effective step. It is the latter that may be the key factor in overcoming this disease.
According to a scientific study, enuresis occurs in 15-20% of five-year-olds, 5% of ten-year-olds and 1-2% of people over fifteen years of age. Without cause, 15% of these children stop wetting the bed every year. Up to a third of bed-wetting children are physically punished by their parents.
One of the sleep disorders. Insomnia is characterised by unreasonably long periods of falling asleep or repeated awakenings (difficulty staying asleep). This condition manifests itself in several symptoms:
- Repeated waking and subsequent difficulty falling asleep again
- Unusually long sleeping time
- Sleep does not sufficiently refresh a person
- The person wakes up very early despite unproblematic opportunities for sleeping or the environment
- Feelings of drowsiness, fatigue, disturbances in concentration and attention, mood swings during the day
Insomnia can be transient, short-term (difficulty adapting to a new environment, acute) or long-lasting persistent insomnia. Chronic insomnia is associated with an inability to fall asleep, with symptoms lasting more than one month at least three times a week.
Primary insomnia
We now learned as well as psychophysiological primary insomnia (bad sleeping habits or internal tension). This condition occurs mainly during periods of stress and is characterised by infrequent periods of insomnia or difficulty falling asleep. These are triggered by an misinterpretation of the situation where the person has an “imposed” sleep problem. It increases internal tension levels and problems may persist even after the initial trigger is over, when, for example, a stressful life event has passed. People experience an excessive flow of thoughts when falling asleep and high sensitivity to external conditions (environmental temperature, noise, unusual sounds, light). Psychophysiological insomnia is accompanied by trouble falling asleep outside one’s own bed or during monotonous activities such as watching television or reading.
Idiopathic insomnia
Idiopathic insomnia often lasts a lifetime and starts in childhood. Symptoms are accentuated by tension and stress. This is an abnormal regulation of the waking-sleeping cycle. It is affected by physiological, chemical and anatomical changes in the nervous system.
Paradoxical insomnia
Paradoxical insomnia is a misinterpretation of the length and quality of sleep. It often takes months or years. The patient experiences excessive daytime sleepiness, but at night it is the opposite.
Secondary insomnia
Secondary insomnia has a temporal relationship to an ongoing illness or psychological disorder. It is provoked by neurological and internal diseases, pain, poor hormonal regulation or urological problems. A psychiatric disorder behind secondary insomnia nearly has the time. It often accompanies anxiety issues. In regards to depression, premature awakening is prevalent.
Sleep paralysis
This is a state between wakefulness and sleep. In REM sleep, thanks to which we dream, there is a weakening of the muscles. The body thus defends itself by cushioning the will-controlled muscles from injury. A person is completely defenseless even when using the vocal cords. It is not a problem during sleep, but if we suddenly wake up in this state, it is an extremely unpleasant situation. The brain remains in paralysis. Sleep paralysis is one of the most unpleasant sleep disorders. The body faces visual and auditory hallucinations where we experience horrible stories with dark figures that may even attack. Sleep paralysis can be dangerous if it makes it impossible to breathe freely.
Sleep paralysis is caused by:
- Irregular sleep
- Exhaustion
- Falling asleep on your back
- Lucid dreaming
Hallucinations during sleep paralysis are not the greatest problem. The risk is associated with sleep deprivation itself, which can cause a person to become depressed and unnecessarily harm themselves when trying to treat themselves with antidepressants. A better way is natural CBD for falling asleep without side effects and addictions.
Sleep disorders occurring mainly in preschool and early school age. According to the American Psychiatric Association’s research(DSM), nightmares have elaborate storylines, last a long time, and are associated with various dysphoric emotions, such as fear. Their plot revolves around defending oneself from an impending danger. Tachycardia, rapid breathing or sweating occur. There are rarely vocal or motor manifestations, as they most often occur during REM sleep, when the person’s musculature is paralysed. Rather, they are the manifestation of episodes already in the conclusions of dreams. Nightmares end with a rapid return to full wakefulness, but emotions can be felt afterwards, which makes it difficult to fall asleep afterwards. Sleep paralysis may also occur from time to time. However, for it to truly be a nightmare, the following criteria must be met:
- The recurrence of prolonged, extremely dysphoric and well-remembered dreams, the plot of which usually involves attempts to avoid threats to life, safety or physical integrity.
- Sleep disturbance results in functional disruption in work or social life and causes significant discomfort of a clinical nature.
- Upon awakening, the person is oriented and quickly awakes.
- The co-occurrence of other psychological and physical disorders does not adequately explain the prevalence of complaints of dysphoric dreams.
- Symptoms are unrelated to the physiological effect of drugs, medications and other substances.
According to Mississippi State University assistant professor of psychology Michael Nadroff, nightmares are associated with depression or other psychological disorders. Anxiety dreams are also related to an anxious life setting and feelings of helplessness. Experts distinguish three forms of the disorder according to the occurrence. With a moderate degree, less than one appears per week. Moderation already involves recurrent nightmares (one or more per week). The severe phase (chronic nightmares) means the daily occurrence of episodes. The most common causes are fear, anger and other emotional stresses during waking hours. If we cannot process them during the day, we will pay for it at night.
This disorder is also known as sleepwalking or somnambulism. The condition is manifested as a form of complex unconscious behaviour that is seemingly goal-directed. It occurs during the transition into a hypnosis-like state from sleep. But moodiness has nothing to do with the action of the moon. It is classified as a parasomnia, i.e. abnormal manifestations during waking, during sleep or falling asleep. It occurs in NREM or REM sleep mostly in the first third of the night.
Symptoms of sleepwalking and the actions of such a person:
- Sitting up in bed
- Leaving the bed and walking around, possibly falling asleep elsewhere but also returning to bed
- Performing automatic activities such as getting dressed, children may act as they normally do after waking up (getting ready to attend school)
- Performing a need in another room
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The suggestive person’s eyes are open but their expression is absent. They communicate confusion but can answer questions. Occasional aggressive behaviour, even the acting out of a crime. There is an imperfect awakening. Brain waves slow down, blood pressure is lowered, pulse and breathing slow down and the muscles relax. Motor muscles function normally during the non-REM phase. Childhood molestation is quite common, occurring in 10% of cases. The adult prevalence rate, according to statistics, is only one per cent.
Causes of Sedation
Sleepwalking is due to several factors. A disturbance in the management of wakefulness and sleep is probably behind the partial awakening from deep sleep. The influence of genetic factors and external influences (unfamiliar environment, noise, fever, full bladder, suppression of emotions or reflux) is also important. In adulthood, this condition appears because of extreme stress. People can also be sleepwalking from alcohol. Help can be sought among preparations that help us achieve a good night’s rest. We include CBD for sleep among such natural avenues without fear of side effects. However, in children, treatment is not necessarily required and sleepwalking should disappear with age. It is recommended to follow a healthy sleeping pattern. In case of aggressive action, never provoke the patient and let the seizure subside.
DMS (Daniel Merrick Syndrome) or narcolepsy is a neurological chronic disorder during which the brain is unable to adequately regulate the waking-sleeping cycle. It is manifested by excessive daytime sleepiness and suddenly dropping into sleep. In narcolepsy of the first type (narcolepsy accompanied by cataplexy), the body loses a certain group of brain cells that are tasked with producing the mediator hypocretin. Symptoms of narcolepsy of the first type are hypnagogic hallucinations, cataplexy, poor night sleep and sleep paralysis. Narcolepsy of the second type (without cataplexy) does not yet have a definite cause. Symptoms of narcolepsy without cataplexy are drowsiness, but hallucinations are not as common.
Treatment of narcolepsy
Therapy of narcolepsy or its treatment is symptomatic. Especially with the first type, it is possible to take a larger number of drugs, which, however, burden the body with side effects. You don’t have to worry about these when taking CBD preparations, as cannabidiols are active on the endocannabinoid system even without them or the subsequent acquiring of addictions. Unexpected sleep can also occur during the regular activities of life. Narcolepsy while driving can be dangerous, but it is not currently a reason to avoid holding a driver’s license.
What helps against sleep disorders?
Many people are searching in vain for an answer to the question of what to do in case of insomnia. The treatment of insomnia or other problems mentioned above is often associated with drugs that are extremely taxing on the body or on which dependence can build up. What helps against sleep disorders without these worries? Research has clearly shown that the experience with CBD for sleep disorders is extremely positive. The effect on the endocannabinoid system is crucial, which is responsible for regulating the natural and healthy rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. In addition, the CBD substance will calm you down, making these problems better tolerated by the patient. Many sleep disorders are based on stress or depression, which cannabidiol can alleviate. Compared to hypnotics or antidepressants, these are more complex preparations. CBD also harmonizes the nervous system and relieves pain, which helps us fall asleep.
Taking CBD oil for sleep disorders is easy thanks to the dropper included in the package. Drop the product under your tongue in the morning and evening according to the instructions on the package leaflet. Wait one minute for the oil to be absorbed into the body, then swallow.
The correct dosage of CBD oil for sleep disorders
First of all, we must say that the correct CBD dosage, no matter the medical condition, is different from person to person as there are too many variables that influence of absorption and effect of CBD. And the same goes for sleeping disorders too To mention few:
- the potency of CBD product
- its bioavailability
- your weight
- the severity of your condition
- cannabinoid spectrum
- the way of consumption
- the time of consumption
Recent study of CBD and sleep recruited 103 participants who had anxiety or poor sleep, the dosages ranged from 25–175 mg, taken every evening after dinner. The researchers found that 25 mg was the most effective dosage for anxiety and that addressing troubled sleep required higher dosages. Sleep scores improved within the first month in 48 patients (66.7%) but fluctuated over time.
A crossover study comparing CBD with nitrazepam found that high-dose CBD at 160 mg increased the duration of sleep. Most patients appreciated the opportunity to try something natural and avoid further or initial psychiatric medication use.
So our recommendation about dosage of CBD oil for sleep is 25 milligrams and increasing as needed, taken one to two hours before bed.
Side effects of CBD
Products made with CBD have very few proven side effects, and most are minor. These can include:
- Dry mouth
- Low blood pressure
- Drowsiness
- Sleepiness