CBD oil for dogs - 5%, 10%, calming down on New Year’s Eve, fireworks, noise

What can I give my dog to calm down on New Year’s Eve?

New Year’s Eve is one of the days of the year enjoyed by a huge number of people around the world. However, it should be added that this does not apply at all to domestic animals. Most of them cannot endure without unpleasant flours, rattling cannonballs and fireworks. So what do we do if the dog’s scared on New Year’s Eve?

If the dog is afraid of crackling sounds, it is not necessary to isolate it and thus not to spend this holiday together with it. Today we present a substance that is extremely effective hearing protection for dogs on New Year’s Eve.  These are our CBDs, which nowadays are a great plus in the care of the human body but also animals. CBD oil for humans and dogs is most popular. 

New Year's Eve - CBD oil for dog
We present a substance that is extremely effective hearing protection for dogs on New Year’s Eve. These are our CBDs, which nowadays are a great plus in the care of the human body but also animals.

This substance appearing in the dog product for fear during New Year’s Eve belongs to the group of cannabinoids that occur in natural form only in cannabis plants. Unlike THC, they are not psychoactive in the same way. Cannabidiol in dogs can increase serotonin levels, reduce punishment and improve one’s mood. Great effects are also proven in the treatment of anxiety in domestic animals.This is due to the change in reaction of brain receptors, as the aforementioned accumulation of serotonin occurs. You can also take advantage of this fact in cases where your pet “buddy” suffers from fear of storms, various household appliances, noise from cars, large water bodies, strangers or even other animals.

CBD is used in animals in various cases. As with humans, your dog is one of the mammals, so it also includes interconnected cannabinoid receptors. You are responsible for passing on important information about what is happening in their body and then triggering an appropriate immune response. CBD in this enters the game in a way that can connect with these receptors and improve their communication.

CBD oil effects in dogs

In order to make it worth considering CBD oil for your dog on New Year’s Eve, it is also important to know information about the appearance of the effects of this substance or particular preparation. So how fast does CBD work in dogs? The duration of action of CBD oil in a dog often also depends on the weight of the animal or the concentration of the substance in the active substance. The onset of effects with CBD oils for the dog depends on the application itself. The drops can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) or swallowed directly by the dog or even applied to the skin. 

If you apply them under your tongue, the onset of effects is shown to be between 20 and 40 minutes. The duration of action is estimated up to five hours. If swallowed (pure oil or as part of a drink or other meal), you can expect effects for one to two hours and the dog should feel them for up to eight hours. When applied to the skin, effects occur in a period of 60 to 90 minutes and the effects persist for up to six hours. 

CBD dog experiences

Even before buying CBD for dogs, it is good to learn how satisfied other pet owners are with similar therapy. Experience with CBD for dogs is extremely positive. Studies in recent years have mainly looked at the potential benefits of this substance for pain reduction in various animal diseases but also in mental disorders. However, it is important to ensure that the product you buy contains CBD derived from cannabis, which contains less than 0.3% THC chemical, which is more toxic to pets.

According to a study by Colorado State University CBD scientists, oils reduced the frequency of epileptic seizures in up to 89% of the dogs tested.

In general, however, experts agree that it is a great substance to help treat cancer, various pains but also anxiety or irritable bowel disease (IBD). In a study of the highly respected PubMed Central database (2018), scientists sought to assess the safety of treatment or the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oils in osteoarthritis in dogs. This resulted in a dose of 2 or 8 milligrams per kilogram body weight. Up to 80 percent of them showed pain reduction and improved mobility.

In the case of dog anxiety, cannabidiols offer an excellent alternative to classic treatment, which consists in prescribing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). However, these often have adverse side effects and health risks. According to available research, NIDA, CBD activates CBI receptors in the central nervous system  or CB2 receptors in the peripheral nervous system, thereby altering the signals of serotonin (its low level also causes anxiety and depression in animals).

CBD for dogs effect
The most effective is to administer CBD directly into the mouth so that the body absorbs it through the mucous membrane, which is the fastest way.

Unlike THC, this substance does not have any intoxicating or hallucinogenic effects. Fear also creates the dog’s body through various processes. CBD can act regulatory and help your pet naturally in case of fear of noise during New Year’s Eve. Experience with its use has shown that you should start these preparations a few days before this celebration, ideally a week in advance. The most effective is to administer it directly into the mouth so that the body absorbs it through the mucous membrane, which is the fastest way.

How Much Hemp Oil For Dogs?

The dosage of CBD oil for dogs varies according to the amount of substance the preparation contains. For example, in the 5% version for small animals – a 10 ml pack with 500 mg CBD active substance (50 mg per ml) it is recommended to take 14 drops per day (7 in the morning and 7 in the evening).  For the 10% version for larger animals – 10 ml packs with 1000 mg substance (100 mg per ml) we recommend 20 drops per day (10 in the morning and 10 in the evening). 

The way how to take CBD oil is easy. The best way is to apply the drops directly into the mouth of the animal. If this does not work, put it in water or food and mix well. The most effective way of dose application is into dog’s food before it would spit it out. But every dog responds to CBD differently. What concentration of CBD for dogs you choose is therefore determined not only by the weight itself (the most important criterion), but also by the animal’s body.  

Which CBD Products For Dogs?

There are different ways to help pets in fear of noise on New Year’s Eve. But what can I give the dog to calm down? CBD oil for dogs is most commonly used for this active substance. Easy use is a great advantage. Nowadays, there is a whole spectrum of CBD oils for dogs, which differ for example in the amount of active substance but also in the packaging volume. For smaller dogs, preparations containing 50 mg CBD per ml are most often recommended, for those weighing up to 100 mg substance per ml of oil. CDB drops for dogs are also useful for animals that do not have a problem taking similar medicines.

Buying CBD for dogs is not difficult at all. However, some dangerous pitfalls must be avoided. Every pharmacy with dog tranquilizers on New Year’s Eve should offer a more detailed description of their products. The exact composition, amount of active substance, description of the manufacturer, dosage, duration or onset of effects or side effects shall not be lacking.

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